Mecanismos de patogenicidade de Campylobacter spp. isoladas em alimentos


Campilobacterioses is an infection caused by Campylobacter spp bacteria. The Campylobacter species, mainly the thermophilics cause human diseases. The infection caused by this microorganism is associated with the ingestion of contamined foods, mostly chicken. The disease in human beings cause watery diarrhoea, moderate and self-limited and even leads to bloody dysentery with mucus and white blood cells, furthermore it might be followed by headaches and abdominal pain, fever, ailment, nausea and vomit. However, the low infective Campylobacter dose, around 400 to 500 cells, is even worsening. In some cases, the Campylobacter infection may cause a few noticeable long-term complications along with sequels. These sequels cover gastrointestinal, rheumatologic (Reiter Syndrome), pulmonary, dermatological, intravascular, renal and neurologic problems and even abortions. The information about the Campylobacter molecular virulence mechanisms make clear that this fragile pathogen is able to depict various virulence mechanisms depending on the host, although it is known as a fragile pathogen that presents different growing characteristics and needs. The Campylobacter species are able to survive all environmental stress of the food supply chain and cause people diseases. The high incidence of Campylobacteriose in human beings is increasing in various countries, and as a result this disease has become public health concern and studies. On the other hand, unfortunately Brazil does not own a specific legislation to evaluate food. Due to the importance of this microorganism, this study aims to present a new bibliographic review about Campylobacter genus in order to highlight its pathogenicity mechanisms and its effects in public health.



Campylobacter spp., Campilobacteriose, Patogenicidade, Campilobacterioses, Pathogenicity


FEISTEL, Janaina Costa; REZENDE, Cintia Silva Minafra e; OLIVEIRA, Julierme José de; OLIVEIRA, Aline Pedrosa; MOREIRA, Natália Menezes. Mecanismos de patogenicidade de Campylobacter spp. isoladas em alimentos. Enciclopédia Biosfera, Goiânia, v. 9, n. 17, p. 1861-1882, dez. 2013.