The effects of spray-chilling associated to conventional chilling on mass loss, bacteriologycal and physical-chemical quality of beef carcass


The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of conventional air chilling associated to intermittent spraychilling treatment, on weight loss, physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of beef carcasses. Two plants of commercial beef slaughterhouse located in Goiânia and fiscalized by the Federal Inspection Service were used to develop the research. The spray-chilling treatment was accomplished in an intermittent way, commanded by a controlled logical program, with cycles of 90 seconds, in intervals of 30 minutes, during the first 4 hours of the chilling process. Physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis were made in spray-chilled water and carcasses samples, according to recommendation of the effective legislation. The average values of carcasses weight loss of treatment group were lower to the ones verified for the control group, in both plants, A and B, (P < 0,001), showing a high economic potential. As a conclusion of physico-chemical and bacteriological analysis results of water and meat samples, it is clear that the technology of chilling beef carcasses in the conventional system associated to spraying did not interfere in the quality of meat, and it can become an analysis object on part of official organs for sanitary regulation and fiscalization, for its definitive adoption.



Spray-chilling, Shrinkage, Beef carcass, Aspersão de carcaça, Quebra de peso, Carcaça bovina


MESQUITA, Albenones José de; PRADO, Cristiano Sales; BUENO, Valter Ferreira Félix; MANSUR, José Ricardo Garcia; NEVES, Rodrigo Balduino Soares; NUNES, Iolanda Aparecida; LAGE, Moacir Evandro; OLIVEIRA, Antonio Nonato de. The effects of spray-chilling associated to conventional chilling on mass loss, bacteriologycal and physical-chemical quality of beef carcass. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 4, n. 2, p. 145-153, July/Dec. 2003. Disponível em:<>.