Retirada dos suplementos micromineral e/ou vitamínico da ração de suínos em fase de terminação. Características de carcaça e vida de prateleira da carne suína


The experiment was conducted to study the effect of vitamin and micromineral mix withdraw in the finishing swine ration on the carcass characteristics and meat shelf life of animals slaughtered at 145 days of life. Twenty-four crossbred swine, during the finishing phase (from 110 to 145 days), with an initial average weight of 61.94 kg and final average weight of 100.68 kg were used. A completely randomized design was used to study a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 (with and without mineral and with and without or vitamin supplements), with six replications. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by Tukey test. It was not verified difference (P > 0.05) for bacon thickness, carcass length, and carcass weight. The pigs fed rations with or without micromineral mix didn’t differ (P > 0.05) for carcass yield. The animals fed ration with vitamin showed presented a higher ( P < 0.05) yield than those fed the ration without vitamins. The vitamin X mineral interaction was observed (P<0,05) to eye loin area, and yield was increased with mineral supplementation to vitamin supplemented animals, but for non-vitamin supplemented rations, this was not observed. The shelf-life of the meat did not present difference (P>0.05) for fecal coliforms or mesophylls in the day zero (at slaughter) and in the fifth day after slaughtering. The results for psichotrophics were not analysed because in the day zero the results were similar, and in the fifth day only three values showed a small variation.



Carcaça, Microminerais, Suplemento, Vida de prateleira, Vitaminas, Carcass, Supplement, Meat shelf-life, Microminerals, Vitamins


NUNES, Romão da Cunha; KRONKA, Rodolfo Nascimento; SALES, Cristiano Prado; MESQUITA, Albenones José de; NUNES, Vanessa de Queiroz. Retirada dos suplementos micromineral e/ou vitamínico da ração de suínos em fase de terminação. Características de carcaça e vida de prateleira da carne suína. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 2, n. 2, p. 79-86, jul./dez. 2001. Disponível em:<>.