Paquimetria ultra-sônica de córneas de caninos e suínos

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José Henrique Stringhini


Thirty eyes of adults males and females of mongrel dogs, provided by College of Medicine of Federal University of Goiás, and 30 eyes of males and females swine of six months old, half-breed lineage Agroceres which were slaughtered by Frigorífico Boa Sorte in Goiânia. The enucleated eyes by exenteration technique were maintened separately in fresh recipient (Filatov) in 0,9% saline solution and kept withing isothermal box for a period no longer than six hours. For each eye it was considered five differents areas as follows: central, upper nasal, lower nasal, upper temporal and lower temporal. The digital readings with the Storz’s ultra sonic caliper rule was performed in the three points for each area, in a total of 15 readings for each eye. The general average results obtained for dogs was 704.21 ± 67.11 m. The average values were different for each site. The average obtained for the central area (670.70 ± 74.29 m) was the thinnest area and the upper nasal area (715.50m ± 79.52 m) was the thickest one; for swines 700.31 ± 30.08 m. The average values were different for each site. The average obtained for the lower nasal area (669.63 ± 85.79 m) was the thinnest area and the upper temporal area (731.47 ± 64.06 m) the thickest one. The method was efficient, safe and simple. The results obtained are unpublished. But they are considered to be valid for these samples, once it dependes on other factors as age, wheight, breed, diet and time of examination, which were not evaluated in this study.



Cão, Paquimetria ultra-sônica, Paquímetro de Störz, Suíno, Caliper rule, Dog, Pig, Storz’s ultra-sonic


GOMES, Hermes Rodrigues; CHAVES, Nilo Sérgio Troncoso; EURIDES, Duvaldo; JACOMIN, Clausmir Zanetti; NASSARALA, Belquiz. Paquimetria ultra-sônica de córneas de caninos e suínos. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 7, n. 2, p. 193-199, abr./jun. 2006. Disponível em: <>.