Prototheca zopfii: importante patógeno na etiologia da mastite bovina no Brasil

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José Henrique Stringhini


Prototheca zopfii is an environmental agent of bovine mastitis, causing serious economic losses as a result of decreased milk yield and culling of infected animals. It also represents hazard to public health and shows high resistance to conventional therapy. Recently, the pathogen was identified in Goiás State and its presence in other dairy herds is highly probable. The biological properties, economic and public health characteristics, epidemiological, pathological and clinical features of this algae on mastitis, and the control and prevention aspects are reviewed.



Controle de mastite, Epidemiologia, Prototheca zopfii, Epidemiology, Mastitis control


BUENO, Válter Ferreira Félix; MESQUITA, Albenones José de; DIAS FILHO, Francisco de Carvalho. Prototheca zopfii: importante patógeno na etiologia da mastite bovina no Brasil. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 7, n. 3, p. 273-283, jul./set. 2006. Disponível em: <>.