Aspectos clínicos da intoxicação experimental de bovinos pelos frutos de stryphnodendron fissuratum mart. (“rosquinha”)


In this experiment fifteen crossbred male bovines with age between ten and fourteen months, weighing between 96 and 214 kg, were divided in three groups with five animals each. The animals from groups I, II and III were submitted to forced ingestion of 30g/kg, 20g/kg and 10g/kg of weight of Stryphnodendron fissuratum (“rosquinha”) triturated fruits, respectly, only one time. One animal of each group was considered as a control and, thus, it didn’t received the stablished treatment for its respective group. Some clinical variations related to dosis and time were observed, however, toxic status was characterized mostly on three groups by apathy, bristled hair, ruminal atony or hipotony, anorexia, lack of rumination, pasty or in acorn shape, fetid and sometimes blacky feces. Subsequently, it was observed teeth screak, long low, foamy drooling, insucessful food bite, dehidratation, shed tears, midryasis with pupilar reflex presence, object or body part compulsive licking, mainly, fore members, incoordination, head and neck shaking, standing in sternal recumbency with head directed to the flank or resting on the ground by nose pad. The animals poisoned of the groups I, II and III died in intervals of 2 to 5 days, 3 to 8 days and 6 to 11 days, respectively.



Bovino, Plantas tóxicas, Stryphnodendron fissuratum, Bovine, Toxic plants, Stryphnodendron fissuratum


RODRIGUES, Ary da Silva; CHAVES, Nilo Sérgio Troncoso; DAMASCENO, Adilson Donizeti; TRINDADE, Bruno Rodrigues; MARTINS, George Henrique Lima; ARANTES, Adriano Felipe. Aspectos clínicos da intoxicação experimental de bovinos pelos frutos de stryphnodendron fissuratum mart. (“rosquinha”). Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v. 6, n. 2, p. 119-125, abr./jun. 2005. Disponível em: <>.