Leite instável não ácido e fatores que afetam a estabilidade do leite

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Universidade Estadual do Ceará


Stability of milk refers to the milk relative resistance to withstand the heat treatment without undergoing industrial coagulation. The stability of milk to test the alcohol in principle, is used to identify milk samples with high bacterial contamination due to poor hygiene and conservation during primary production, which causes less stability during heat treatment. However, precipitation of the protein in the test for alcohol, can occur without, having acidity above 0.18g/lactic acid/100 ml of milk, milk does not called unstable acid which is a problem affecting dairy herds and / or dairy industries which is characterized by the loss of protein stability, resulting in the precipitation test of 72% ethanol, no significant acidity above 0.18g/lactic acid/100 ml of milk, thus impairing all chain links, as the same room for processing milk without high acidity is rejected or undervalued by the industry. In Brazil, the incidence of not acid unstable milk still lacks diagnosis due to lack of research, to be a multifactorial problem, since the thermal stability of milk is one of the important factors to increase the shelf-life of dairy derivatives, ensure adequate processing conditions and provide higher quality to the final consumer.



Estabilidade térmica, Micelas de caseína, Teste do alizarol, Thermal stability, Casein micelles, Alizarol test


BRASIL, Rafaella Belchior; NICOLAU, Edmar Soares; SILVA, Marco Antônio Pereira da. Leite instável não ácido e fatores que afetam a estabilidade do leite. Ciência Animal, Fortaleza, v. 25, n. 4, p. 15-26, 2015.