Efeito de diferentes métodos de coleta sobre os resultados de análise do leite in natura


The collection of samples of raw milk shall be careful to reflect their actual composition, and different methods of collection, may lead to variations in levels of milk components. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different methods of milk sampling on the chemical composition and somatic cell count. Milk samples were taken from 492 cows in a dairy farm of Rio Verde, state of Goiás, Brazil. Two sampling methodologies were used: a pool-sample and a complete sample (40 mL) of the first a pool of milk sample and the second a complete sample (40 mL) of the first milking. Results showed that the method of collection not change the values of SCC, protein, lactose and casein. The fat, total solids and urea were influenced by sampling methods, demonstrating the importance of standardization of the milk samples collection from dairy herds, to ensure the reliability of results.



Leite de conjunto, Composição química, Propriedade leiteira, Métodos de amostragem, Contagem de células somáticas, Bulk milk, Chemical composition, Dairy farm, Sampling methods, Somatic cell count


CABRAL, Jakeline Fernandes; SILVA, Marco Antônio Pereira da; BRASIL, Rafaella Belchior; CARVALHO, Thiago Soares; GIOVANNINI, Cristiane Isabô; NICOLAU, Edmar Soares. Efeito de diferentes métodos de coleta sobre os resultados de análise do leite in natura. Revista do Instituto de Latícinios Cândido Tostes, Juiz de Fora, v. 68, n. 394, p. 40-44, set./out. 2013.