Qualidade do leite cru refrigerado estocado por diferentes períodos


The objective of the present research was to evaluate the quality of bulk tank milk in the Southwestern region of the Goiás State, Brazil. Bulk tank milk samples they had been gotten of ten tanks of expansion in properties of the Southwestern region of the Goiás state following a route determined for the industry through following the milk storage for zero, 24, 48 and 72 hours, being the total of 40 samples. The analysis had been carried through in the Laboratório de Qualidade do Leite of the Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos of the Escola de Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, in the period of january the february of 2008. The analysis of somatic cells (SCC) was carried through by flow cytometry in the equipment Fossomatic 5000 BasicÒ. The centesimal composition was determined through the distinguishing absorption of infra red waves using the Milkoscan equipment 4000Ò. Total bacterial count (TBC) was carried through by Bactoscan FCÒ. The detention of antibiotic residues was carried through DELVOTEST® SP. The statistical analysis had been carried through in statistical package R through the procedure for descriptive statistics, the results had been compared with the values allowed for the brazilian legislation. The values of SCC and centesimal composition take care of to the standards demanded for IN 51 for July of 2008. The values of TBC had been raised. Did not have presence of antibiotic residues.



Análise eletrônica, Leite a granel, Temperatura de estocagem, Tempo de estocagem, Electronic analysis, Cooled raw milk, Storage temperature, Storage time


SANTOS, Priscila Alonso dos; SILVA, Marco Antônio Pereira da; ANASTÁCIO, Pedro Ivo Bueno; SILVA JÚNIOR, Lincoln Campos da; ISEPON, Jacira dos Santos; NICOLAU, Edmar Soares. Qualidade do leite cru refrigerado estocado por diferentes períodos. Revista do Instituto de Laticínios Cândido Tostes, Juiz de Fora, v. 63, n. 364, p. 36-41, set./out. 2008.