Provas bioquímicas para identificação de Listeria innocua em alimentos: revisão bibliográfica


The present study objectified evaluated the presence of Listeria spp. in foods, generating information that assist in the control of the bacterium and assure the food commercialization with hygienical-sanitary quality. The study were carried through in the Centro de Pesquisa em Alimentos of Escola de Veterinária of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, in the period of 18 of September of 2006 the 02 of October of 2006. The knowledge that today if has of the characteristics of the microrganisms and the methods or processes of microbial control is rigorously allowed to produce foods with great microbiological quality, therefore safe of the sanitary point of view for the consumers. One sends regards as measured of control the adequate firing and good practical of hygiene during the processing of the food and prevention of the crossed contamination.



Listeriose, Provas bioquímicas, Segurança alimentar, Listeriosis, Biochemical test, Alimentary security


SILVA, Marco Antônio Pereira da; SANTOS, Priscila Alonso dos; LEÃO, Karen Martins; NICOLAU, Edmar Soares; OLIVEIRA, Antônio Nonato de. Provas bioquímicas para identificação de Listéria innocua em alimentos: revisão bibliográfica. Pubvet, Maringá, v. 4, n. 15, abr. 2010.