Estudo da microbiota ocular como monitor da ciclosporina "a" (2%) em cães submetidos ao transplante de córnea de suínos


Ten mixed breed dogs, with a 1 O kg average weight, had swine corneas implanted in the left eye. During the post-operative period each animal was treated with one drop of gentamycim sulphate and one drop of 2% cyclosporin per day until day 28, when they were sacrificed. Each dog had a superior fornix sample collected from the left eye on day O, before surgery, using sterile material. lmmediately after collectíon, the sample was immersed in .1 % peptonized water, so that tests for aerobic bacteria and fungus could be conducted. Each test was repeated with samples collected on days 7, 14, 21 and 28, after graft, and compareci with those from day O. From 50 samples obtained, the following results were found: 16% Gram-positive rods, were found among seven samples from day O, one sample from day 7 and another from day 14; 16% Staphylococcus epidermidis was encountered in five samples from day O, one from day 7 and two from day 14; 18% Enterobacter ssp., was found distributed among four samples from_ day 14, two from day 21 and three from day 28; 2% Pseudomonas ssp. was limited to one sample from day 7. There was no bacterial growth in 52% of the samples. The 18% Enterobacter ssp. identified on day 28 suggests a drop in local resistance and inefficiency of the antibiotic. The presence of gram + rods in the initial samples did not constitute a problem, because it did not prevail on those from day 28.



Canino, Suíno, Microbiota, Ciclosporin A, Canine, Swine, Microbial population


CHAVES, Nilo Sérgio Trancoso; BARROS, Paulo Sérgio de Moraes; MARTINS, Apóstolo Ferreira; ARAÚJO, Eugênio Gonçalves de; EURIDES, Duvaldo; ARAÚJO, Larissa Franco de; ANDRADE, Maria Auxiliadora; JACOMINI, Clausmir Zanetti. Estudo da microbiota ocular como monitor da ciclosporina A (2%) em câes submetidos ao transplante de córnea de suínos. Veterinária Notícias, Uberlândia, v. 3, n. 1, p. 73-77, 1997.