Caracterização mitocondrial de bovinos caracu utilizando marcador molecular


This experiment was conducted in order to characterize Caracu bulls from different herds finished in the feedlot regimen, via DNA analyses and the performance and carcass charateristics. Eighty-two male, uncastrated bulls animals of the Caracu breed were evaluated, with a mean initial weight of 381.2 kg and a mean age of 24m months. The animals remained under confinement for 92 days and received a feed consisting of 25% roughage and 75% concentrate. All Caracu bulls analyzed showed B.taurus mtDNA. The stDNA analysis showed two distinct patterns (AB and B): 71 animals had the B allele and 9 had the AB allele. The AB and B animals didn´t showed significant difference for any of the traits evaluated (P>0.05).


v. 9, n. 4, p. 839-846, out./dez. 2008.


Bovinos Caracu - DNA, Caracterização citoplasmática - Bovino de corte


MIYAGI, E. S.; FRANÇA, A. F. de. S.; LEME, P. R.; MAGNABOSCO, C. de U.; MEIRELLES, F. V.; MERIGHE, G. K. F. Caracterização mitocondrial de bovinos caracu utilizando marcador molecular. Ciência Animal Brasileira , Goiânia, v. 9, n. 4, p. 839-846, out./dez. 2008. Disponível em: <>.