Efeito do gérmen integral de milho sobre o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte


Two experiments were carried out with 1008 male Ag-Ross 508 broilers each. Experiment 1 was carried out from October 26th to November 1st, 2001 to evaluate the performance of broilers fed on increasing levels of corn germ meal (CGM) in the diets from 1 to 7 days of age. Experiment 2 was carried from January 24th to March 12th, 2002 to evaluate the performance and carcass yield from 8 to 47 days. The birds were allotted to a completely randomized design with four treatments (levels of CGM replacing corn in ration - 0%, 33%, 67% and 100%) and four replicates of 63 birds. The CGM was not a good ingredient for pre-starter phase. The recommended inclusion levels of CGM were 21.9% and 22.5% from 8 to 21 days and from 22 to 38 days, respectively. No restriction concerning the use of CGM for diets of broilers from 39 to 47 days of age is made.



Frango de corte, Desempenho, Gérmen integral de milho, Rendimento de carcaça, Broiler, Carcass yield, Corn germ meal, Performance


BRITO, A. B.; STRINGHINI, J. H.; CRUZ, C. P.; XAVIER, S. A. G.; LEANDRO, N. S. M.; CAFÉ, M. B. Efeito do gérmen integral de milho sobre o desempenho e rendimento de carcaça de frangos de corte. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, v. 57, n. 2, p. 241-249, 2005.