Efeitos cardiovasculares da anestesia dissociativa na reposição volêmica com colóide e solução hipertônica em cães: avaliação biotelemétrica


The cardiovascular effects were evaluated for a 24-hour period, after the administration of hypertonic solution (NaCl 7.5%) or in association with hidroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 (HES) in dogs under induced experimental hypovolemia and treated with racemic ketamine (RK) or S(+) ketamine (SK). After the hypovolemia induction, administration of NaCl 7.5% (4mL.kg-1) was performed in two groups named hypertonic S(+) (HSG) and hypertonic racemic (HRG), or NaCl 7.5% (4mL.kg-1) in association with HES, in the same ratio of removed blood, in two groups named hypertonic colloid S(+) (HCSG) and hypertonic colloid racemic (HCRG). After 30 minutes, SK (5mg.kg-1) was administered by intravenous injection in HSG and HCSG groups, or RK (10mg.kg-1) in HRG and HCRG groups. The heart rate (HR) and systolic arterial pressure (SAP) were lower after hypovolemia and RK. Mean (MAP) and diastolic arterial pressure (DAP) were reduced after hypovolemia and either SK or RK administration. Significant differences were not observed among the groups to HR, SAP, MAP, and DAP during the biotelemetry mensuration period, from T210 to T1440. HES associated with NaCl 7.5% administration propitiated immediate re-establishment of MAP. NaCl 7.5% administration did not restore MAP in hypovolemic patients. Either RK or SK administrations produced similar effects and all of the treatments maintained stable blood pressure and heart rate for a 24-hour period.



Cão, Solução hipertônica, Hidroxietilamido, Hipovolemia, Biotelemtria, Dog, Hypertonic solution, Hidroxyethylstarch, Hypovolemia, Biotelemetry


OLESKOVICZ, N.; DUQUE, J. C. M.; GUIRRO, E. C. B. P.; VALADÃO, C. A. A.; FANTONI, D. T. Efeitos cardiovasculares da anestesia dissociativa na reposição volêmica com colóide e solução hipertônica em cães: avaliação biotelemétrica. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, v. 61, n. 1, p. 27-34, fev. 2009.