Estudo clínico e histológico das pálpebras e conjuntiva hígidas submetidas ao tratamento tópico com soluções anestésicas em coelhos


This work aimed to evaluate commercial presentations of anesthetic eye drops in sixty three New Zealand rabbits which were separated equally in three groups (G1, G2 and G3). The G1 group was treated with 0.5% proparacaine chloridrate eye drop, G2 group with 1% tetracaine chloridrate associated with 0.1% phenylephrine eye drop and G3 group with 0.9% physiologic solution eye drop. All of them received one drop in each eye six times a day. Each group was subdivided into three subgroups (seven rabbits), which are treated for 3, 7 and 15 days. At the end of each treatment, two animals in each subgroup were subject to euthanasia, for the purpose of conjunctiva, eyelids and third eyelids histological evaluation. At the clinical exam, different grades of episcleritis were found in all rabbits in G2 group and only in 17.8% of the rabbits in G1 group. Eye and eyelid histologic evaluation of G2 group revealed an upgrade of goblet cells and eosinophil number, lymphoid follicle proliferation and increase of interstitial space in the eyelids. We could conclude that 1% tetracaine associated with 0.1% phenylephrine eye drop caused more eyelid and ocular conjunctiva toxicity than 0.5% proparacaine eye drop.



Coelho, Colírio, Tetracaína, Proparacaína, Blefarite, Bepharitis, Eye drop, Proparacaine, Rabbit, Tetracaine


AMARAL, A. V. C.; CHAVES, N. S. T.; SILVA, L. A. F.; FLEURY, L. F. F.; MENEZES, L. B.; LIMA, F. G.; LIMA, A. M. V. Estudo clínico e histológico das pálpebras e conjuntiva hígidas submetidas ao tratamento tópico com soluções anestésicas em coelhos. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Belo Horizonte, v. 65, n. 1, p. 67-74, 2013.