Dermatite digital bovina: resposta terapêutica e custo dos protocolos adotados em duas propriedades rurais


The scope of this study was to evaluate the response of early phase digital dermatitis wounds to different therapeutic protocols, in Gir breed cattle in two distinct farms subjected to the same management, and also to estimate the costs of the treatments proposed. The study was conducted simultaneously during the period of april 2004 and april 2005, in 42 female cattle bearing wounds clinically characteristic of early phase digital dermatitis. The animals were allocated in three groups (GI, GII, GIII) of seven animals, where 21 were from farm A, and the remaining from farm B. Animals of group one (GI) received parenteral antibiotic therapy, and their surgical wounds were treated with a local treatment protocol, and when the bandage was removed, on the seventh day, they passed in a footbath with three-percent copper solution, weekly and intercalated to a one-percent sodium hypochlorite solution. Animals from group two (GII) did not receive local or parenteral antibiotic therapy, having their surgical wounds protected with orthopedic cotton and bandage right after curettage, then being subjected to the same management of GI. The animals of group three (GIII) constituted the control group, therefore receiving neither local nor parenteral antibiotic therapy, and after the seventh day, after removing the bandage, passed in a footbath water only. All animals were evaluated considering clinical scores of healing associated to clinical parameters of surgical wound evolution, at days 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 counting from the surgical day. Procedures costs were estimated based upon consumption material and human labor among other costs. Treatment GI healed a greater number of animals, but there was no statistic difference (p>0,05) when compared to surgical treatment associated to footbath (GII). Surgical treatment alone was not enough to recover a significant amount of wounds, therefore not recommended as a treatment for early phase digital dermatitis. Therapeutic protocols I and II had the same efficiency, no matter the season of the year, but the healing scores were influenced by therapeutic protocols. The estimated costs per treatment were of US$ 69,41 for GI, US$ 54,02 for GII and US$ 51,96 for GIII.



Casco, Custos, Doença digital, Tratamento, Bovine, Hoof, Treatment, Costs


LEÃO, Maria Auxiliadora; FIORAVANTI, Maria Clorinda Soares; SILVA, Olízio Claudino; SERAFIM, José; MOURA, Maria Ivete; CAETANO, Leandro Batista; EURIDES, Duvaldo; SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da. Dermatite digital bovina: resposta terapêutica e custo dos protocolos adotados em duas propriedades rurais. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Veterinária, Niterói, v. 15, n. 3, p. 111-116, set./dez. 2008