Avaliação da produção de lágrima em cães sem raça definida após a exérese da glândula da terceira pálpebra – estudo experimental


The third eyelid is a thin layer composed by conjunctive tissue, T shaped hyaline cartilage and a gland that contributes in dog’s tears production. The most common condition of the third eyelid is gland prolapse, with indication of surgical correction. Seven dogs, male and female, 10.2 ± 1.6 kg, mixed breed, without ocular alterations, had their tear production evaluated by Schimer’s lacrimal test, 24 hours before unilateral exerese of the right third eyelid’s gland, and 15, 30 and 60 days after the operation. An incision was made in the conjunctive eyelid layer, around the gland, to liberate and remove it. The animals were treated with topic ophthalmic cream, containing 0.1% dexametason, 0.35% neomycin and B type polymyxin 6000 UI every 12 hours, during 7 days post-operation. Friedman’s x2 test, with 5% of significance level, showed that there was no significant differences in tear production between post-operatory (21.7143mm/min) and 60 days post operation (21.2857mm/min). Unilateral exerese of the third eyelid’s gland in dogs did not interfere in tear production, and don’t showed clinical change in the cornea and conjunctive tissues, during 60 days of evaluation.



Cão, Glândula da terceira pálpebra, Lágrima, Teste de Schirmer, Dog, Third eyelid’s gland, Tear, Schirmer’s test


BAUNGARTEN, Letícia Binda; EURIDES, Duvaldo; BUSNARDO, Camila Araujo; GUIMARÃES, Ednaldo Carvalho; ALVES, Lorena Borges; SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da; DALECK, Carlos Roberto; SOUZA, Luiz Augusto de; OLIVEIRA, Benito Juarez Nunes Alves de; GONÇALVES, Gentil Ferreira. Avaliação da produção de lágrima em cães sem raça definida após a exérese da glândula da terceira pálpebra - estudo experimental. Revista Ceres, Viçosa, v. 55, n. 4, p. 293-296, jul./ago. 2008.