Uso do Ester cianoecrilato como auxiliar na fixação de dispositivo intravenoso periférico em coelhos submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos experimentais


The experiment was done in the Veterinarian Hospital of the Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, GO/Brazil, and was used 40 male rabbits, average weight of 2,6 kilograms, the New Zealand (Oryctolagus cuniculis) race, in the age of five months. The animals had distributed in four groups of ten rabbits (GI, GII, GIII and GIV). In the pertaining animals to the group I (GI) the marginal vein of the auricular pavilion was did a venous administration using polytetrafluorethylene catheter, the animals that had composed the group II (GII) proceeded it venous administration with scalp type butterfly. In both that groups, used glue ester of cianoacrilate for applied the cateter and scalp in the skin of the dorsal surface of the auricular pavilion. In the pertaining animals to the group III (GIII) catheter was used, and in the group IV (GIV) scalp type butterfly was used, both was fixed with plaster. During the observation period, the devices had not staied marginal vein of the auricular pavilion of two the rabbit rabbits pertaining to GI, three of GII, three of the GIII and in five animals that had composed the GIV. The displacements had been observed after the interrupt of the anaesthesia. Venosa infusion with security was evidenced when the rigid and flexible catheters was fixed adequately with etil-cianoacrilato in the dorsal auricular vein of rabbits.



Cianoacrilato, Coelhos, Infusão venosa, Venous administration, Rabbits, Cianoacrilate


SILVA, Luiz Antônio Franco da; AMARAL, Andréia Vitor Couto do; EURIDES, Duvaldo; RABELO, Rogério Elias; GUIMARÃES, Leandro Franco; MOURA, Maria Ivete de; SOARES, Lorena Karine. Uso do Ester cianoecrilato como auxiliar na fixação de dispositivo intravenoso periférico em coelhos submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos experimentais. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, Porto Alegre, v. 35, n. 3, p. 327-332, 2007.