Composição e digestibilidade dos aminoácidos das sojas integrais processadas para aves


The present bird assays were conducted to determine the digestibility of amino acid content of process fullfat soybeans. Two types of process fullfat soybeans were utilized, the extruded and heated fullfat soybeans. The assay was developed by using the forcefeeding adult rooster method. The results for amino acid digestibility of the extruded soybean were higher than that heated soybean. As the type of fullfat soybean processing caused differences on the amino acid availability of studied soybeans, it can be concluded that the different processing gave to those feedstuffs diverse nutritional characteristics for poultry.



Composição em aminoácidos, Digestibilidade de aminoácidos, Soja integral extrusada, Soja integral tostada, Assay for metabolizable energy, Full-fat soybean, Metabolizable energy, Soybean extruded, Soybean roasted


CAFÉ, M. B.; SAKOMURA, N. K.; JUNQUEIRA, O. M.; MALHEIROS, E. B.; DEL BIANCHI, M. Composição e digestibilidade dos aminoácidos das sojas integrais processadas para aves. Revista Brasileira de Ciência Avícola, Campinas, v. 2, n. 1, p. 59-66, jan./abr. 2000.