Indicação geográfica na conservação e agregação de valor ao gado curraleiro da comunidade Kalunga


The objective of this study was to show the importance of geographical indications, as a strategy of maintaining and aggregating value to the Curraleiro cattle, and as a basis for future registration of the denomination of origin Kalunga Meat of Curraleiro, by the remaining Kalunga quilombo community in Cavalcante situated in the State of Goiás, Brazil. Recognition of the denomination of origin Kalunga Meat of Curraleiro, will make establishment of a modality of sustainable exploration in the Cerrado possible, as well as promote preservation of a bovine race well adapted to adverse conditions of this biome, improve their food availability and increase family income.



Denominação de origem, Desenvolvimento local, Pé-duro, Propriedade intelectual, Quilombolas, Denomination of origin, Local development., Intellectual property


NEIVA, A. C. G. R.; SERENO, José Robson Bezerra ; FIORAVANTI, M. C. S. Indicação geográfica na conservação e agregação de valor ao gado Curraleiro na Comunidade Kalunga. Archivos de Zootecnia, Córdoba, v. 60, n. 231, p. 357-360, 2011.