Infusão uterina com biguanida polimérica sobre a colonização bacteriana do útero de vacas com infecção puerperal após retenção de envoltórios fetais


This study was carried out with the aim to verify the utilization viability of polymeric biguanide solutions for the topic treatment of puerperal uterine infections in bovine females after premature parturition. Twenty Girolando cows of a dairy farm, with placenta retention and metritis were randomly distributed in two groups. Group 1, constituted of cows that received three uterine infusions of a polymeric biguanide solution, and Group 2, with animals that were not submitted to any treatment. There were taken uterine content samples at the first, third and fifth post partum weeks for bacteriological cultures, that means, before the first infusion, 14 and 28 days after treatment. The founds of bacteriological cultures in the two groups demonstrated that the solution of polymeric biguanide was not effective to reduce uterine bacteriological colonization in cows with post partum infections.



Bovinos, Endometrite puerperal, Microbiologia, Tratamento, Bovine, Puerperal metritis, Microbiology, Treatment


GAMBARINI, M. L. ; CARVALHÊDO, A. S.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, B. D.; VIU, M. A.O.; MESQUITA, A. J.; FERRAZ, H. T.; LOPES, D. T.; SEELENT, G. J. N. Infusão uterina com biguanida polimérica sobre a colonização bacteriana do útero de vacas com infecção puerperal após retenção de envoltórios fetais. Archives of Veterinary Science, Curitiba, v. 10, n. 2, p. 145-149, 2005.