Contribuições da teoria sócio-histórica para a pesquisa sobre a escolarização de jovens e adultos

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The analytical framework used here to study the teaching and learning process within young people and adults builds upon socio-historical theory. The emphasis is on the formation of concepts and the importance of the word in this process. Our thoughts originated in work developed within a technical course integrated into high school into young people and adult’s modality in the discipline of Chemistry. A didactic proposal structured by the experiential theme Food’s Chemistry was drawn up and implemented which created a dialogue between the covered content and the student’s experience. Vigotski’s socio-cultural theory was the main reference used in this work as well as Mikhail Bakhtin’s analysis of discourse. The analysis of discursive interaction shows the difficulties of these people in dealing with abstract thought from which emerges the need for profound theoretical reflection on didactic and curricular proposals for the education of young people and adults.



Educação de jovens e adultos, Ensino de Química, Análise do discurso, Conceitos científicos, Teoria sócio-histórica, Young and adult’s education, Chemical teaching, Analyzing speech, Scientific concepts, Socio-historical theory


COSTA, Lorenna Silva Oliveira; ECHEVERRÍA, Agustina Rosa. Contribuições da teoria sócio-histórica para a pesquisa sobre a escolarização de jovens e adultos. Ciência e Educação, Bauru, v. 19, n. 2, p. 339-357, 2013.