Avaliação microbiológica e citológica do útero de vacas repetidoras de cio


The reproductive efficiency is a very important parameter for determining the profitability of dairy cattle production. Individual failures in the conception rarely call for attention, however when the conception rates are low there is a problem in this particular herd. Any cow that has not conceived with true estrus in herds of normal fertility is generally defined as a “repeat breeder”; As the conception rate decreases, the number of cows requiring additional services increases, and repeat breeding rapidly becomes a significant problem. The present study was developed with the objective of evaluate the differences in uterine samples of repeat breeder and normal cows, regarding microbiological and cytological, of cows in the same herd had regular cycles, normal ovarian function, i.e., follicular growth, ovulation and corpus luteum formation, and were under similar conditions of management. Thirty-five cows (2,5 to 5 years old) were divided into two groups; the first (GI), repeat breeder cow (three or more inseminations without conception, n=15) and the second, GII, including normal cows (conception after one or two services, n=20). It was made seventy microbiological analyses; 93,33% (GI) and 90% (GII) of them resulted in positive cultures, with prevalence of Staphylococcus spp. (30,51%), Bacillus spp. (28,81%) and Escherichia spp. (27,12%). The cytological diagnosis was made through the neutrophil counting, which was significantly larger (p <0,05) in the estrus phase ( = 8,45) than during diestrus ( = 2,57), with predominance of positive scores (+ and ++) in GI (59,9%), versus 15% in GII.



Repetição de cio, Útero, Microbiologia, Citologia, Vaca, Repeat breeder, Uterine, Microbiological, Cytological, Cow


GALINDO, A. D. S.; GAMBARINI, M. L.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, B. D.; KUNZ, T. L.; SILVA, K. P. C. da; MOTA, R. A. Avaliação microbiológica e citológica do útero de vacas repetidoras de cio. ARS Veterinária, Jaboticabal, v. 19, n. 2, p. 179-187, 2003.