Avaliação das brânquias de Danio rerio expostos a diferentes concentrações de gasolina e diesel


The presented work aimed to study the effect of fossil fuels in the gills of Danio rerio (Cyprinidae) fi sh. The animals were exposed to different gasoline concentrations and diesel oil (from 6.25 % to 100 %) on ecotoxicological tests. The results demonstrated that the fuels in its common or pure composition are lethal, and in some cases cause severe injuries such as necrosis, hypertrophy of the cells, aneurisms and edemas, causing the death of these animals.



Histopatologia, Brânquias, Ecotoxicologia, Danio rerio, Histopathology, Gill, Ecotoxicology


FREITAS, Rafael Alves de; CORREIA, Kadja de Morais; TAVARES, Maria Giselda de Oliveira; OLIVEIRA, Gláucia M. Cavasin; CINTRA, Andréia; RICIOLE, Henrique; NUNES, Iara; FAGUNDES, Jeferson; ANTONIOSI FILHO, Nelson Roberto. Avaliação das brânquias de Danio rerio expostos a diferentes concentrações de gasolina e diesel. Pesticidas: revista de ecotoxicologia e meio ambiente, Curitiba, v. 23, p. 59-66, 2013.