Avaliação ecotoxicológica e físico-química do córrego Capim-Puba


We evaluated the environmental conditions and water quality of Capim Puba (Goiania-Goias), immediately after the rainy season, by means of photographic records, toxicological tests, physical- chemical tests and the lifting of the fish fauna. The results show that, despite the lack of riparian vegetation, the silting of the margins of large amounts of garbage (solid waste) in bed and the banks, the existence of domestic and industrial effluent and reducing the oxygen content of the source observed to mouth, the Spring-Stream Puba still has conditions to maintain ways of life, such as various species of fish, which is important for the recovery of the aquifer.



Capim-Puba, Poluição, Ecotoxicologia, Pollution, Ecotoxicology


SILVA, Maria Aparecida Daniel da; REZENDE, Geibson Cândido Martins; TAVARES , Maria Gizelda de Oliveira; FERREIRA, Cláudio José; GUIMARÃES, Wesson; PRADO, Cinara Machado Rodrigues do; ANTONIOSI FILHO, Nelson Roberto; COSTA, Luciene Mendes da. Avaliação ecotoxicológica e físico-química do córrego Capim-Puba. Estudos Vida e Saúde, Goiânia, v. 35, n. 1, p. 11-22, jan./fev. 2008.