Carcinoma de células transicionais vesical em uma cadela São Bernardo – relato de caso


We describe a case report of Saint Bernard bitch, seven years old that showed progressive dysuria and stranguria. The initial diagnosis was of cystitis and therapy was initiated. Since the clinical signs reappeared in 45 days, laboratory and image exams were done and the same diagnosis was confirmed. The dog was treated again but showed no impro78 DE MOURA, V. M. B. D., FERREIRA, F. P. P., RODRIGUES, M. M. P., CALDEIRA, C. P., BANDARRA, E. P. vement and was submitted to exploratory laparotomy and cytological exam. In face of the gross and microscopic findings, as well as the clinical state of the bitch and the bad prognosis, the animal was submitted to euthanasia. Histopatological exam confirmed the vesical neoplastic lesion, and the final diagnosis was of transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder.



Carcinoma de células transicionais, Bexiga urinária, Cão, Transitional cell carcinoma, Bladder, Dog


MOURA, Veridiana Maria Brianezi Dignani de; FERREIRA, Francisco Pupo Pires; RODRIGUES, Marcela Marcondes Pinto; CALDEIRA, Cristiane Padrin; BANDARRA, Enio Pedone. Carcinoma de células transicionais vesical em uma cadela São Bernardo – relato de caso. Veterinária Notícias, Uberlândia, v. 13, n. 1, p. 75-79, jan./jun. 2007.