Análise cienciométrica em educação especial: tendências e importância nos últimos 60 anos


Special education in Brazil is defined in law as “the type of education offered preferentially in the regular classes for students with special needs education”. However, this proposal of special education has not always been defined in this way, and a factor that contributed greatly to the consolidation of special education as a specific field of study was the research and theis resulting publications. Thus, this study aimed to make a scientometric analysis in the field of special education in order to determine which are and were the main trends of research over the years, and to review literature on the history of special education. It was felt that the issue of special education has undergone major advances, with consequent recovery of the subject with special needs. The scientometric analysis in special education to suggest that there has been a great evolution in the area, including a fact explained by the large number of papers published over time and the different aspects of his publications. Reflections on scientometrics in special education characterize the global production of special education and provide input for further research are made in this area. Thus, the construction and analysis of these indicators have provided input to view the state of the art in special education.



Educação especial, Cienciometria, Produção científica, Special education, Scientometrics, Cientific production


RIBEIRO, Eveline Borges Vilela; BENITE, Anna Maria Canavarro; RIBEIRO, Matheus de Souza Lima. Análise cienciométrica em Educação especial: tendências e importância nos últimos 60 anos. Revista Educação Especial, Santa Maria, v. 24, n. 40, p. 285-304, maio/ago. 2011