Aulas de ciências para surdos: estudos sobre a produção do discurso de intérpretes de LIBRAS e professores de ciências

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Bilingualism in deaf education presumes sign language as the first language of the deaf. With school inclusion deaf students have been enrolled in regular educational institutions resulting in a new structure in the classroom. Science teaching for the deaf is a challenge, because the student uses a language that is different from the teacher and needs a LIBRAS interpreter to access the body of knowledge mediated by the interpreter. The present study investigated the production of narratives (as a discourse genre) of professors and LIBRAS interpreters in science classes for deaf students. The narratives were produced in the class diary and analyzed by the content analysis technique. Our results pointed out that bilingualism still does not pervade the inclusive classroom, and the language barrier is the major difficulty found in learning science by deaf students.



Ensino de ciências, Surdos, LIBRAS, Narrativa, Bilinguismo, Science teaching, Deaf, Brazilian language of signals, Narrative, Bilinguism


OLIVEIRA, Walquíria Dutra de; BENITE, Anna Maria Canavarro. Aulas de ciências para surdos: estudos sobre a produção do discurso de intérpretes de LIBRAS e professores de ciências. Ciência & Educação, Bauru, v. 21, n. 2, p. 457-472, abr./jun. 2015.