Análise da comunicação verbal produzida na formação em rede de professores de ciências para a educação inclusiva


The discourse of universal education has brought discussions about the training of teachers to meet the inclusive education of quality. We examined the verbal communication produced in Network Goiana Interdisciplinary Research in Special Education/ Inclusive (RPEI), a social network as a strategy for initial and continuing training of teachers with a focus on inclusive education and science education. We intend to know the relationships of individuals in a network structure, in the words their social subjects and the connections that surrounds this relationship. Based on socio-historical and cultural theory develop a participatory research. These results suggest that some initiatives may become more effective procedures for training teachers of inclusive education, as is the case that unites different representations as university and coordination of education special in around common interests.



Ensino ciências, Aação inclusiva, Pformação de professores, Formação em rede, Comunicação verbal, Science education, Inclusive education, Teacher training, Network training, Verbal communication


PEREIRA, Lidiane de L. Soares; BENITE, Claudio R. Machado; BENITE, Anna M. Canavarro. Análise da comunicação verbal produzida na formação em rede de professores de ciências para a educação inclusiva. Revista Electrónica de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Vigo, v. 12, n. 1, p. 62-84, 2013.