Contextualização no ensino de química: o petróleio do pré-sal como proposta temática

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The present work deals with a teaching action carried out during the accomplishment of a Chemistry completion course work from ILES/ULBRA in Itumbiara during the period of August, 2009 to April, 2010. The proposed action boarded the thematic “Petroleum of Pre-salt”, it was offered to a group of secondary education students at a secondary public school in Itumbiara – GO, the teacher in training related theory and practice as aspects to an alternative of contextualization in Chemistry’s class. The students, in turn, were guided to research about the petroleum extraction technology together with its geographic, political, social and environmental aspects.



Petróleo do pré-sal, Contextualização, Ensino de química, Petroleum of pre-sal, Contextualization, Chemistry teaching


SANTOS, Renato; FIELD'S, Karla Amâncio Pinto; BENITE, Anna Maria Canavarro. Contextualização no ensino de química: o petróleio do pré-sal como proposta temática. Revista Didática Sistêmica, Rio Grande, v. 12, p. 128-147, 2010.