Composição química e atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial e anatomia foliar e caulinar de Citrus limettioides Tanaka (Rutaceae)


Citrus limettioides (Rutaceae), a sweet lime, is popularly used to treat sinusitis, and as an antipyretic and hypotensive agent. The aim of this study was to identify the constituents of the essential oils from the leaf and fruit peel of C. limettioides, test the antimicrobial activity of these essential oils and perform an anatomical study of the leaf and young stem. Essential oils were isolated by steam distillation in a modified Clevenger apparatus and analyzed by GC-MS. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) against Gram-positive and Gramnegative bacteria and fungi were determined by broth microdilution. Anatomical studies were performed on freehand histological sections, which were stained with Alcian blue / safranin, Steinmetz reagent and lugol and analyzed by light microscopy. Linalol was the major component in the leaf essential oil (36.88 to 45.15%) and limonene in the fruit peel essential oil (70.60 to 75.18%). The essential oil from leaves showed antimicrobial activity against bacteria (MIC 2000 μg/ mL) and no activity against fungi. The essential oil from the fruit peel showed no antimicrobial activity. The leaf is hypostomatic with predominance of anomocytic stomata, the mesophyll is dorsiventral with biseriate palisade and 11 layers of spongy parenchyma cells. Secretory cavities were observed among the mesophyll cells of the leaf, petiole and stem, whilst prismatic crystals were identified in all structures of leaf and stem. The anatomical data obtained in the microscopic study may help in the taxonomic identification of this plant and to verify the authenticity of the drug plant.



Citrus limettioides, Estudo anatômico, Óleos essenciais, Controle de qualidade, Atividade antimicrobiana, Citrus limettioides, Anatomical study, Essential oils, Quality control, Antimicrobial activity


LOPES, Larissa Teodoro Alves et al. Composição química e atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial e anatomia foliar e caulinar de Citrus limettioides Tanaka (Rutaceae). Revista de Ciências Farmacêuticas Básica e Aplicada, Araraquara, v. 34, n. 4, p. 503-511, 2013.