A construção de brinquedos e o trabalho: possibilidades e limites da Educação Física na educação infantil

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research has as its theme the construction of toys in early childhood education, in dialogue with the concept of work. The research problem questions the relationships and possible dialogues between the construction of handmade toys in the routines and projects of physical education in early childhood education and the experience of work as an act of transformation of matter and nature. The main goal of the research is to investigate the possibilities and limits of the construction of handmade toys as an act of transformation of matter and nature from the report of the experience occurred in an institution of Early Childhood Education in the context of the Compulsory Supervised Internship of the undergraduate program in physical education of the Faculty of Physical Education and Dance, Federal University of Goiás (FEFD-UFG). This is an experience report problematized by readings from the bibliographic review of articles published between the years 2010 and 2021 in several periodicals in the scope of physical education, such as Revista Pensar a Prática, Revista Motrivivivência, Revista Movimento and Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (RBCE) as well as the concepts of game, toy, and play by Roselene Crepaldi (2010) and the concept of work by Karl Marx (1867), serving as a theoretical basis for the main discussions on the transformation of matter and relating work to the world of children. At the end of the research, we could understand that it is possible to address various types of knowledge and concepts by stimulating the construction of toys in physical education routines in Early Childhood Education. Especially, the rich experience of work as a transformation of matter and nature.



Brinquedo, Construção de brinquedos, Trabalho, Educação Física, Educação infantil, Toy, Toy construction, Work, Physical Education, Early childhood education


CUNHA, André Lúcio Ferreira da. A construção de brinquedos e o trabalho: possibilidades e limites da Educação Física na educação infantil. 2022. 49 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Educação Física e Dança, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.