Desenvolvimento de terminologia descritiva para warmed-over flavor em carne assada bovina


We evaluated the warmed-over flavor development (WOF) in bovine roast-beef through adescriptive sensory analysis using the Longissimus dorsi, Semitendinosus and Supraspinatus muscles of Nellore steers. There was a preselection for recruitment of assessors. Forty-five individuals were registered, being 35 preselected, from these, 24 were evaluated by difference tests (triangular tests) to determine the ability to discriminate WOF's differences in roast-beef samples. After the tests, 13 individuals were selected to determine the sensory profile of each sample. Initially, the sensory team proposed 70 terms for the quantitative descriptive analysis, but terms that were not relevant for the product, or did not contribute for WOF's discrimination in roast-beef as well as the ones that were not easily differentiated by the selected assessors were eliminated. The remained 18 terms were used in the three kinds of analyzed muscles. We concluded that quantitative descriptive analysis can be accomplished to obtain satisfactory results for warmed-over flavor research in roast-beef in both scientific experiments and product Pdevelopment.


v. 15, n. 2, p. 128-137, abr./jun. 2014.


Análise sensorial, Oxidação lipídica, Sabor desagradável


LAGE, Moacir Evandro; GODOY, Helena Teixeira; BOLINI, Helena Maria André; OLIVEIRA, Raphael Rocha de; OLIVEIRA, Antônio Nonato de; NICOLAU, Edmar Soares; REZENDE, Cíntia Silva Minafra e. Desenvolvimento de terminologia descritiva para warmed-over flavor em carne assada bovina. Ciência Animal Brasileira, Goiânia, v.15, n. 2, p.128-137, abr./jun. 2014. Disponível em: <>.