Educação como Formação Humana em Kant: Da Razão à Moralidade

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This work proposes a reflection about the human formation based on the Kant s work, looking for education fundaments in essential concepts as reason, liberty, morality, autonomy and others. The reflection about the education sense as human formation finds out, at this context, principles that recognize the reason and the subject humanization as the end by excellence of the education. The totality which implies this formation aims, mainly, to cultivate at the man the morality and the capacity of directing, by his own reason and liberty in order to construct him as an autonomous being. For Kant, although nature is part of one of the constitutive dimensions of the human being, as his senses and understandings, man is determined by his free dimension, practices, by which he construct his humanity. Since he is a rational and free being, he can, at the same time, to deliberate his human conclusions and obey them, originating, on himself, the morality. The human formation ideal is, so, to guide the man, awaking on him all the natural dispositions, integral basis of the possibility conditions of the autonomous man, as a free being and, at the same time, responsible. This trajectory is only concretized by the reason work and the education. On this sense, the construction developments of the rational, free, moral and, therefore, autonomous man permeate, anyway, all the context of the Kant s conceptual and challenging forces



CORBINIANO, Simone Alexandre Martins. Education and Training in Human Kant: The Morality of Reason. 2006. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.