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- Campus Samambaia, Campus Colemar Natal e Silva, Campus Aparecida de Goiânia.
Submissões Recentes
Inclusão/exclusão na sala de aula: um estudo acerca dos processos de produção de desigualdades
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-20) Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Santiago, Cinthia Brenda Siqueira; Moraes, Eriene Macedo de
The present article is the result of a qualitative bibliographic review aimed at understanding the concepts of inclusion and exclusion through teaching practices in the classroom that create inequalities. The procedure involved an analytical reading of publications on the subject, using the main theoretical framework from the works of Patto (2000, 2015), Freitas (2002), Faria (2008), and Saviani (2017). After conducting this study, the importance of discussing the need to break away from exclusionary practices in the school context was highlighted, in order to mitigate damage to students' learning, as well as to overcome the process of alienation and persist in the fight for a quality democratic public school.
Contribuições da didática da história para reflexões acerca da presença das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação no currículo
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-07-12) Freire Junior, Josias José
This text aims to reflect on the concepts of digital communication and information technologies (DICT), and their relationships with the teaching of History present in the curricular document of the State of Goiás for High School. The aim is to discuss what type of history it is possible to learn with the concepts of TDIC present in the aforementioned official curriculum. To this end, questions will be presented concerning the themes of education and technologies, and the teaching of history and technologies, as well as the perspective of History Didactics from which the proposed discussion is developed and why it is understood that such a perspective is suitable for this debate. Afterwards, the discussion will be contextualized within the scope of debates on the curriculum, based on the official curricular experience of the State of Goiás. At the end, it will reflect on the role of History teaching in understanding discussions that arise from different fields, but they share general concerns about the relationships between science and life, as well as the challenges of integrating these different fields.
Terreiro da infância: artes integradas na cena da universidade
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2025-02-12) Oliveira, Natássia Duarte Garcia Leite de; Silva, Yasmin Carolina Ribeiro; Oliveira, Roger Thomas Nero de; Silva, Takaiuna Correia da; Santos, Cleber Vieira dos
Innermundo: quadrinhos autorreflexivos em uma perspectiva expressionista.
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-23) Teixeira, Eduardo Zamariano Fanaia; Franco, Edgar Silveira; Franco, Edgar Silveira; Andraus, Gazy; Silveira, Guilherme Lima Bruno e
Interested in understanding their time, in its turbulence and contradictions, an artist aims to transform their world through introspective action, understanding both themself and others around them. In this sense, the German expressionist movement from the beginning of the 20th century is an important point of reference, an art form marked by the difficulties and discontent of its time. In the midst of war and the rapid transformations of modernity, by contrasts between ideals and world views, from desired utopias to brutal dystopias, comes a heavily visceral, metaphorical spiritualized form of art, both in aesthetical and poetical sense. Recognizing its legacy in contemporary art, I seek through the act of research to approach the expressionistic matter closer to my artistic production, currently focused on the creation of autobiographical comics, bridging gaps between themes art artistic languages for the production of an original piece by the means of experimental processes, while reflecting about the studied topics. By investigating their peculiarities and possibilities of instigation, I draw connections between expressionists, such as Otto Dix, George Grosz and Kathe Kollwitz, and contemporary comic book artists such as Art Spiegelman, Lorenzo Mattotti and Lourenço Mutarelli, thus creating a rich compilation of images and writings, all towards the act of art making. Therefore, the research concludes with the presentation of the creation process of INNERMUNDO, an autobiographical comic book involving experimental creative practices, reflecting on the artist's intimate world amidst the chaotic world that oppresses them, discovering a form of liberation through artistic action.
Contribuições das artes visuais para a tessitura de novas perspectivas subjetivas para aprendizagens de estudantes da EJA
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-12-05) Vale, Alexandre Moraes; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Santos, Noeli Batista dos; Perotto, Lilian Ucker; Cabral, Valéria Fabiane Braga Ferreira
This study, developed as a Final Course Work (TCC) for the Visual Arts course - Bachelor's Degree at the Faculty of Visual Arts at UFG, aims to reflect on the impacts of the pedagogical practice of Visual Arts on the development of autonomy, creativity and expressiveness of students in Youth and Adult Education (EJA), investigating what is the place that the teaching of Visual Arts occupies within the EJA curriculum, given the history of devaluation that marks this area of knowledge? How can methodologies applied to the teaching of visual arts contribute to enhancing student learning? The qualitative research method will be used, the Case Study, from the perspective of “knowledge from experience”, from videos of the Prêmio Arte Na Escola Cidadã, based on the educational practices of professor Maria Goreth dos Santos developed in the project “Meu Barraco, Minha Vida, 2013 edition. The expectation is that the analysis with the data and references obtained through the analysis of the videos, in dialogue with the chosen theoretical framework, such as Freire, Barbosa, Haddad and Piero, Duarte Jr., official documents, such as BNCC and others, can contribute to understanding what are the perspectives on the visual arts adopted in the curricular proposals of EJA, as well as understanding how the contents of Visual Arts, through pedagogical practice, sensitize EJA students, as well as analyzing how EJA teachers organize the teaching methodologies of Visual Arts and how this is expressed in the materials and pedagogical processes. The theoretical framework of this research, as well as the study of the videos of the Prêmio Arte na Escola Cidadã, especially “Meu Barraco, Minha Vida, 2013 edition contributed to understanding how the perspectives of subjective learning occur and affect both the subject of learning and the subject who teaches.