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Introdução à lógica de programação
(Cegraf UFG, 2024) Feitosa, Rafael Divino Ferreira; Sousa, Rafael Teixeira; Kudo, Taciana Novo; Fernandes, Deborah Silva Alves; Braga, Renata Dutra; Ferreira, Cristiane Bastos Rocha; Galvão Filho, Arlindo Rodrigues
A participação do Brasil no Sistema Internacional: uma história
(2016) Nazareno, Elias; Cardoso, Ludimila Stival
The recent reorganization of the International System reveals, in one hand, a framework in which, unlike that what it’s thought, the National States still play a key role in the promoting and guarantee of the economic development and the solvency of the capitalist system. In other hand, it also reveals that the so-called emerging countries have been the guarantee of world economic development in recent years. Therefore, we intend to demonstrate how Brazil is positioned in this new international setting, as well as its positioning face of regional integration initiatives, such as the Initiative for the Integration of Regional Infrastructure in South America – IIRSA, as part of a PhD project that studies the relationship between foreign policy and national identity in Brazil (1889-2010)
Estado do conhecimento sobre história da alimentação indígena no Brasil
(2020) Mendonça, Tamiris Maia Gonçalves Pereira; Magalhães, Sônia Maria de; Nazareno, Elias
History of Food, focusing on indigenous food. If previously, until the 1950s, research on food was marked by folk and economic approaches, later studies on the subject brought new perspectives. There was in Brazil the boost of productions that privileged issues related to identity, habits, health and consumption. We propose, therefore, a description and analysis of the books, dissertations and theses that privilege Indian food in Brazil, which allow the perception of this change of focus. In advance we say that food has become the target of new questions. Concerns about environmental policies, which seek to implement sustainability in environmental management in the face of new ecological problems; with the discourses about the nutritional healthy and about the transformations occurring from the new relations between countryside and city; the food allowed discussions to move beyond the walls of universities and academic institutions, opening up possibilities for investigations that could also cover indigenous people.
História e diversidade cultural indígena na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (2015-2017)
(2018) Nazareno, Elias; Araújo, Ordália Cristina Gonçalves
The main objective of this article is to investigate the treatment given to indigenous history and cultural diversity in the first phases of elaboration of the National Curriculum Common Base (NCCB), in progress since 2015. We intend to analyze the preliminary text of the NCCB, its evaluation by the critical readers (evaluators from various institutions linked to professional teacher training, with extensive experience and research in the areas of knowledge in focus, especially in History) and the suggestions sent by the various brazilian subjects, from the educational context and society as a whole, to the Base Portal, as well as to verify how these weights focused on the revised text of the second version and, finally, to discuss, in a comparative way, the two versions with indigenous students by the Indigenous Intercultural Education Course (IIEC) from Federal University of Goiás. We've stopped in the contributions made by the proponents of the State of Goiás in function of the professional exercise of the authors of this article (Federal University of Goiás and State University of Goiás). While the preliminary NCCB was proposing to broaden the knowledge of indigenous cultures, in the revised NCCB we realized a drawback in this proposal. The emphasis again falls above the rights acquired by indigenous peoples in contemporary times to the detriment of the indigenous past, essential in the Brazilian cultural composition.
Contatos interétnicos no Vale do Araguaia: os Iny e os colonizadores entre os séculos XVI e XX
(2020) Araújo, Ordália Cristina Gonçalves; Nazareno, Elias
This article investigates, based on the historiographical and anthropological literature, the history of the contacts established between the Iny during the colonization of the Brazilian territory, with emphasis on the way the Javaé interacted with the colonizers during the territorial occupation of the central region of Brazil, between the 16th and 20th centuries. Based on the expeditions that crossed “os sertões of Paraupava”, the history of interethnic contacts between the Javaé and the colonizers was analyzed, seeking, from a documentary and bibliographical analysis, the decolonial perspective, the Javaé point of view inserted in this literature. Thus, it is expected to contribute to the understanding of the protagonism and isolationist posture of these people in the interior of Bananal Island in practically the entire 19th century as a resistance to these contacts.