FCT - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
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Item Aplicação de machine learning para identificação de corpos máficos-ultramáficos na porção sul da faixa Brasília, Goiás, Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-08-02) Barros, Lucas Marques; Tabosa, Luiz Fernando Cursino; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Temporim, Filipe Altoé; Yokoyama, Elder; Lopes, Débora NogueiraThis research investigates the application of Machine Learning in identifying mafic-ultramafic bodies within a 200 km² area in the southern portion of the Brasília Belt, focusing specifically on the boundary between the Anicuns-Itaberaí sequence and the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex, near the municipality of Anicuns, Goiás.. The study applied the Random Forest algorithm to process and analyze geophysical and remote sensing data, aiming to enhance the geological mapping and detection of these bodies. The research integrated aerogeophysical data, including magnetometry and radiometry, as well as satellite data, in order to develop a robust geospatial dataset. The model was trained using a significant fraction of the dataset to provide a predictive map of geological occurrences. The obtained results demonstrated the high effectiveness of the model, with significant accuracy in discriminating the geological bodies of interest, which were validated by comparisons with field data and provided new insights on the distribution and characteristics of mafic-ultramafic intrusive bodies in the studied area. This study highlights the potential of using Machine Learning techniques in geology, particularly as a supporting tool for mineral prospecting, as well as providing more accurate and detailed geological maps.Item Mapeamento geológico integrado 1:50.000 da região da Serra da Jiboia (GO) - área 2(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-16) Nadote, Hianna Carvalho; Cardoso, Sara Vieira; Lopes, Débora Nogueira; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Nascimento, Estela Leal Chagas do; Paixão, Marco Antônio Pires; Chagas, Daniel Bezerra dasThis work begins through the processing and interpretation of image data, geophysical, geochemical, mineral resources and environmental data and following data collect of lithological, structural, environmental and mineral occurrence in field. The geological mapping in the Serra da Jiboia (GO) region intend to describe and interpretate the units Anicuns-Itaberaí Sequence, Gnaíssico-Migmatítico Complex and Santa Bárbara Body. The first fase of deformation is associated to the S1 foliation, to the intrafolial folds and quartz veins, the phase 2 is characterized for the shale which is well preserved in all area and associate with the assimetric isoclinal regional fold of the Serra da Jiboia. The third phase also receive emphasis by the extensive shear zone which occurs in the Santa Bárbara Body limits, this compressive deformational fase also occurs crossing folds. The fase 4 distinguishes for the crenulations and spaced cleavage. The potential economy of the area is diverse and with emphasis on clay and gravel occurrences.