Tentativa de isolamento primário de t. cruzi de pacientes crônicos de doença de chagas por hemocultura — agentes bloqueadores

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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior


ot ('hagas' disease were earried out in four separate trials. The 250 cases were divided into four groups consisting respectivelly of 100, 100. ;i() and 20 patients. In the first three experiments the blood for hemoculture was taken with heparin. One drop of the anticoagulant for 5ml of blood \vas used. Ml blood sarnples were inoculated on LIT culture médium, l.'!0 samples w pré additionally inoeulated on médium 19() plus 30% fetal bovine serum (FHS 80%) and on the former culture médium to which total extract of the bug (Triatoma infeslans) vvas added. Ali these 230 samples were ineubated for 60 days. at 26<X; and were examined evcry 15 days. In the last experirneiit. lhe hemoculture was also earried out on 1,1'L médium but in these 20 cases ali blood samples were taken with COTA: 10 of these samples were washed hefore inoculalion. the other 10 samples were not washed, Incubation was earried out at 26°C was maintained for at least 90 days. The examinations showed negative results in the first 230 cases of the first three experiments. In the last experiment where blood samples had l te e n colleeted with FJ)TA. we observed positive results in two out of the teu samples in which blood was washed and in si x out of the ten samples in which blood was not washed. Tinia heparin showed to be an important blocking age ti t in the isolation of T. cruzi. The type of anticoagulant used and the time of observatíon of cnltures constitute very important factors for the sueeess or failure in isolation of T. cruzi.




BARBOSA, William; CZEREWUTA, Ana Cândido; OLIVEIRA, Raquel Lopes de. Tentativa de isolamento primário de t. cruzi de pacientes crônicos de doença de chagas por hemocultura — agentes bloqueadores. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 12, n.2, p. 155-163, mai./ago. 1983. Disponível em: < https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/21293/12502>.