Incidência de leveduras nas mãos de trabalhadores do serviço pediátrico do hospital materno-infantil de Goiânia – Go


The frequency of yeast contamination in the hands of hospital personnel was verified in thirty health workers, including mirses, non nurses and doctors at tlie intensive care unit and also at the pediatrics wards. The collection of the material was made through the washing of the hands of the staff in sterile saline. The yeasts were isolated in cloranfenicol-added Sabouraud dextrose agar and species identified according to the following determinations: Reynolds Braude's test (germ tube), production of pseudohyphae and chlamidospores ín microcultures, carbohydrates fermentation and assimilation of different carbohydrates and nitrogen sources. We observed that 73,3% of the individuais presented yeasts in their hands, with a Cândida albicans predominance. The observation of other yeasts such as Cândida tropicalis, Cândida fugosa, Cândida famata, Rhodotorula sp and Trichosporon sp was less frequent.



Contaminação das mãos, Leveduras, Infecção hospitalar, Hands contamination, Yeasts, Hospital infection


PASSOS, Xisto Sena; SOUZA, Lúcia Hasimoto e; COSTA, Milce; COSTA, Carolina Rodrigues; FERNANDES, Orionalda de Fátima Lisboa; SILVA, Maria do Rosário Rodrigues. Incidência de leveduras nas mãos de trabalhadores do serviço pediátrico do hospital materno-infantil de Goiânia – Go. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 29, n. 2, p. 197-203, jul./dez. 2000. Disponível em: <>.