Movimento de mulheres camponesas: lutas e conquistas no reconhecimento da cidadania, direitos e emancipação das mulheres do campo, das florestas e das águas
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This course conclusion work presents the study on the role of self-organization
and collective struggle of peasant women through the Movement of Peasant Women
(MMC) for the formulation and constitution of the right to rural welfare for rural women
workers. And how this articulation and meeting of peasant women from all over Brazil in
the struggle for rural social security leads to a strengthening and expansion of the
autonomous organization of women for the constitution of a feminist movement of national
character of peasant women. Reinforcing the perspective that organization and collective
struggle are central elements in the achievement of women's rights, and for peasant women,
specifically the right to rural social security. We begin with a historical tour of the
construction and strengthening of the autonomous movement of peasant women since the
1980s, then we present the definition, the beneficiaries, the form of contribution and the
funding source for rural social security and, finally, from the voice of women leaders
participating in this process of struggle, we present the importance and transformation in
the lives of women, communities and the movement with rural women's access to the right
to rural welfare.
Previdência rural, Mulheres camponesas, Movimento autônomo de mulheres, Direito achado na rua, Rural welfare, Peasant women, Autonomous women's movement, Right found in the street.
CORDEIRO, Rosângela Piovizani. Movimento de mulheres camponesas: lutas e conquistas no reconhecimento da cidadania, direitos e emancipação das mulheres do campo, das florestas e das águas. 2021. 114 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Direito) – Unidade Acadêmica Especial de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Cidade de Goiás, 2021.