O uso do t. hastatus como antlgeno nas reações sorológtcas para doença de chagas
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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior
Trypanosoma hastatus epimastigotes
cultured in LIT media, were harvested
in its exponcntial phase growth and used
as antigens for American trypanosomiasis
serological diagnosis by indirect immunofluorescence.
lt was demonstrated that
was an excelíent antigen for this purpose
amastigotes also were used and prove to
be as good as epymastigotes.
Soluble extracts were used for complement
fixation and for immunodiffusion
in gel, and results were similar to
those observed with T. cruzi antigen.
Data reported here are the result
of continued observations with T. hastatus
antigen in Chaga's disease during the
last ten years.
Sorologia da doença de chagas, T. "cruzi-like", T. hastatus
BARBOSA, William; OLIVEIRA, Osvaldira Seabra de; CZEREWUTA, Ana Cândido. O uso do t. hastatus como antlgeno nas reações sorológtcas para doença de chagas. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 13, n.3, p. 451-460, set./dez. 1984. Disponível em: < https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/21261/12476>.