Distribuição dos vetores da tripanosomiase americana capturados no ambiente domiciliar, no estado do Tocantins, no período de 1984/88


In the domiciliary environment (dwellings and anncx) triatomines of 13 species have been captured. Seven of these colonize artificial ecotopes and participate in Chagas* disease transmission. These oncs are prescnted hcre in a order based on how frequcntly they are found in domicilcs: Triatoma sórdida - 69,50%; T. infestans • 21,47%; Rhodnius neglectus - 2,87%; Panstrongylus megistus -1,41%; T. pseudomaculata -1,06%; R. prolixas -0,19% e T. brasiliensis - 0,04%. The triatomines' natural infection by Trypanosoma cruzi are: T. infestans - 3,85% and T. sórdida - 0,06%. The adults of the remaider six species rarely invade human dwellings although this invasion actually represents some risk of Chagas' disease transmission. This group's main role is to maintain the enzooty in the sylvatic cycle. These species are the following: R. pictipes, R. robustos, P. geniculatus, P. diasi, P. lignarius e Eratyrus mucronatus.



Distribuição de triatomíncos, Vetores, Tripanosomíase americana, Epidemiologia


SILVA, Ionizete Garcia da; SILVA, Heloísa Helena Garcia da; SANTOS, Vera Lúcia Veras; SILVA, João Leite da; CAMARGO, Marlene de Fátima; NAKANO, Hideki; SAHLA, Leila Abou; ELIAS, Miguel. Distribuição dos vetores da tripanosomiase americana capturados no ambiente domiciliar, no estado do Tocantins, no período de 1984/88. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 20, n. 2, p. 165-171, jul./dez. 1991. Disponível em: <https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/20121/11700>.