Pesquisa de antígeno circulante na malária humana
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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior
The presence circulating antigens of P. falciparum or P.
vivax was demonstrated in 14 out of 153 será of patients wíth malária.
The identification of these permitted to group them into: carriers
of acute non-ímmune P. vivax malária — 2 cases; patients
with P. falciparum malária, 6 cases — 2 with high parasitemia, 2
with low parasitemia and 2 with circulating gametocytes only (whose
stage of parasitemia was not controlled by us) and finally theie were
observed circulating antigens in patients presenting the clinicai picturc
of tropical splenomegaly. In the first two groups there were circulating
parasites. In the cases with tropical splenomegaly no circulating
parasites were found. Ali patients showed high titers of
fluorescent antimalarial antibodies, P. falciparum beins used as
antigen .
The finding of circulating antigen is believed to be of great
importance in the interpretation of the physiopathology of tropical
splenomegaly .
BARBOSA,William; AIRES, Wiliam Ferreira; SOUZA, Oswaldo Caetano de; CHAVARRIA, Raul; OLIVEIRA, Giovanni Septimmi Cysneiros de. Pesquisa de antígeno circulante na malária humana. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 2, p. 239- 249, abr./jun. 1972. Disponível em: <>.