Prevalência de sorologia positiva para HIV, Toxoplasmose e Tripanossomíase America em gestantes em Goiás


The objective was to calculate the prevalence of HIV, toxoplasmosis and American Trypanosomiasis in pregnant women at the Hospital das Clínicas de Goiás. 1.173 results were analyzed. Where 1,53% for HIV, toxoplasmosis IgM 0,59% and 0,51% for American Trypanosomiasis. Serology was compatible with other regions of the country. Emphasize the importance of precocious diagnosis of congenital trans- mission of diseases.



Soroprevalência, Doenças congênitas, Diagnóstico, Seroprevalance, Congenital diseases, Diagnostic


GRANATO, Suellen Marianne Rodrigues; REZENDE, Hânstter Hállison Alves; MENDONÇA, Julianna Rizzo; CASTRO, Ana Maria de; AVELAR, Juliana Boaventura. Prevalência de sorologia positiva para HIV, Toxoplasmose e Tripanossomíase America em gestantes em Goiás. Estudos, Goiânia, v. 41, n. 4, p. 813-820, out./dez. 2014.