Prevalência estimada de parasitos intestinais em escolares de creches e estabelecimentos de ensino em Goiânia – Goiás
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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior
In order to adequate parasitology
teaching to our actual regional reality,
and trying to improve our social
conditions and health of the
community, a parasitological search
was performed by teachers and pupils
of the Clinicai Parasitology section of
the Department of Parasitology of the
Institute for Tropical Pathology and
Public Health of the Federal
University of Goiás.
From 1978 to 1985, 1878 faecal
examinations were performed
employing the methods of Hoffman
Pons and Janer, Faust et alii, and
Rugai et alii. From them, 69% (1.296 samples) were positive and 31 % (582
samples) were negative.
Prevalence observed among
species was as follows: Entamoeba
coli: 456 (35,18%); Giardia lamblia:
381 (29,39%); Hymenolepis Nana:
370 (28,54%); Ascarís lumbricoides:
338 (26,08%); Ancilostomideos: Til
(21,37%); Endolimax nana: 116
(8,95%); Trichocephalus trichiurus:
82 (6,32%); Strongyloides stercoralis:
79 (6,09%); Entamoeba histotytica:
33 (2,54%); lodamoeba butschalii: 29
(2,33%); Enterobius vermicularis: 28
(2,16%); Schistosoma mansoni: 04
(0,30%); Taenia sp: 03 (0,23%).
Examined population was
mainly children at prescholar and
scholar age, as well as some adults,
with ages ranging between 3 months
and 23 years old. These samples were
colected on six nurseries and two
primary school groups, in different
boroughs of the city of Goiânia.
Positive cases for Schistosoma
mansoni were from people coming
from other States (Minas Gerais and
Bahia), but living now in Goiânia.
Parasítoses intestinais, Inquérito parasitológico
SANTOS, Maria Alves Queiroz; PAÇO, Julieta Machado; ISAC, Eliana; ALVES, Edimar Luiz; VIEIRA, Miguel Alípio. Prevalência estimada de parasitos intestinais em escolares de creches e estabelecimentos de ensino em Goiânia – Goiás. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 19, n.1, p. 35-42, jan./jun. 1990. Disponível em: <>.