Isolado de Lagochilascaris minor: procedimentos para obtenção de ovos infectantes
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Ruy de Souza Lino Junior
Lagochilascaris minor has been mantained in the Department of Parasitology
of the Federal University of Goias, since 1989, using as experimental models
the domestic cat and the mouse. At first, the infecting eggs of the parasite
were obtained from the dissection of the uteri of L. minor females recovered
from human cervical lesions. Afterwards it was observed that, in
experimentally infected cats, the parasites are preferentially localized in
tissues from rhino or oropharinge. In these tissues the worms are found in the
interior of tumours that forms a fistula to the lumen of the digestive tube and
release a great quantity of eggs in the feces of these animals. The
spontaneous sedimentation method in association with the centrifugoflotation
in zinc sulphate method (Faust et al.) was proposed, aiming to
optimize the obtention of the female eliminated eggs of L. minor, in feces of
infected cats.
Isolado de Lagochilascaris minor, Ovos infectantes, Lagochilascaris minor isolate, Infecting eggs
OLIVEIRA, Jayrson Araújo de; BARBOSA, Carlos Augusta Lopes; VIEIRA, Miguel Alípio; PAÇO, Julieta Machado; CARRIJO, Alessandra da Silva; FIORINI, Marcelo Pires; CAMPOS, Dulcinéa Maria Barbosa. Isolado de Lagochilascaris minor: procedimentos para obtenção de ovos infectantes. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 31, n. 1, p.121-128, jan./jun. 2002. Disponível em: <>.