Observações sobre taenia solium (lineu, 1758) e taenia saginata (goeze, 1782) em uma coleçao de 31 tenias, a maioria eliminada com uso de tenifugo caseiro à base de sementes de abóbora

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Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior


The rcsults of investigations on 31 taeniae proceeding frora inhabitants of the rural districts of Goiânia are presented; 24 were expcllcd after the use of a taeniafuge made of pumpkin seeds, the others after treatmen with Yomesan and two others after the in take of nonmentioned taeniafuges. Taenia solium was found 13 times, 11 were expelled after the use of medicinal compounds made of pumpkin seeds, the scolex being present in 7 of them. Taenia saginata was found 18 times, the scolex occurring only once; it was attached to a narrow portione of the neck and was expelled after repetion of the treatment with Yomesan 20 days after the first dose.




KOMMA, Margarida Dobler; SANTOS, Vera Lúcia Veras. Observações sobre taenia solium (lineu, 1758) e taenia saginata (Goeze, 1782) em uma coleção de 31 tenias, a maioria eliminada com uso de tenífugo caseiro à base de sementes de abóbora. Revista de Patologia Tropical, Goiânia, v. 1, n. 1, p. 69 - 72, jan./mar. 1972. Disponível em: < https://www.revistas.ufg.br/iptsp/article/view/23353/22476>.