Mestrado em Enfermagem e Saúde (FEN)
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Navegando Mestrado em Enfermagem e Saúde (FEN) por Autor "Bernardes, Marielle Sousa Vilela"
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Item Crenças da equipe multiprofissional relacionadas à segurança do trabalhador na atenção primária à saúde(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06-16) Bernardes, Marielle Sousa Vilela; Barreto, Regiane Aparecida dos Santos Soares;; Prado, Marinésia Aparecida do;; Prado, Marinésia Aparecida do; Souza, Adenícia Custódia Silva e; Siqueira, Karina Machado; Hayashida, Miyeko; Brasil , Virginia ViscondePrimary health care workers are exposed to many occupational hazards related to its activities, among them those biological. Understanding and identifying these risks by workers promote behavior change and can make them adhere to safety measures. GOAL: To identify multidisciplinary team workers beliefs of primary health care related to worker safety, the biological risk at workplace. METHODOLOGY: Descriptive study with qualitative approach, performed in seven units of primary health care in the city of Goiânia-GO, in 2014. The study included 43 workers, seven nurses, seven dentists, four doctors, five technicians / assistants in oral health, eight nursing technicians, six administrative assistants and six auxiliary hygiene and cleanliness. We used the technique of critical incident data collection, with semi-structured interviews with two parts: the first looked at data from the subjects characterization and, second, information on the subject. It was conducted content analysis, according to Bardin, discussed based on Health Belief Model of Rosenstock. RESULTS: As to gender, 88.4% were female, aged between 24 and 66 years, mean 46 years. According to vocational training, 16 (37%) were post-graduates; 12 (28%) completed high school; seven (16%) incomplete higher graduation course; four (9%) complete graduation course, and four (9%) primary school. The training ranged from four to 34 years. It was identified that the workers still lack clarity about their vulnerability to biological hazards at workplace. Understanding these workers, on such risks leads to other health facilities as hospitals and emergency services. However, they realized the beliefs related to preventive measures as benefits. This severity was unveiled from previous experiences of workers in working accidents. CONCLUSION: The beliefs of workers in primary health care, related to worker safety at the workplace, expressed basic concepts and are often inconsistent on the subject. These difficulties show health policies of poor investment in human resources on safety perspective. The workers were not able to enter the labor everyday life, a culture of appreciation of biological risks and adherence to preventive measures recommended by the Brazilian guidelines. The evidences in this study make us to rethink the interfaces involved in the work process and biological hazards in low and medium level complexity. Therefore, we propose a continuing education program in health, which instigates the technical improvement and security of organizational culture at the workplace in all health care levels by emphasizing the worker's beliefs.