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A variação na expressão do dativo em variedades lingüísticas rurais goianas
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2007-08-08) Nascimento, André Marques do; Silva, Maria do Socorro Pimentel da;; Silva, Maria do Socorro Pimentel da; Casseb-Galvão, Vânia Cristina; Gomes, Christina Abreu
The regularity underlying variation in the use of dative complements of ditransitive verbs in speech samples of rural communities from Goiás is investigated in this work. Through quantitative sociolinguistic approach, it aims to verify which linguistic and social factors act in the alternance among a~para~Ø forms to express dative content besides bringing this variable phenomenon into relation to the discussion concerning to the structural origins of Brazilian Portuguese. The results indicate a change in progress in direction to the categorical use of the preposition para in the samples analyzed. Apparent time analysis shows that a and Ø forms tend to disappear in the speech of the communities observed. By means of quantification, which was analyzed by VARBRUL 2S programs, the indication of the linguistic variables adjacency of indirect object in relation to verb and morphology of direct object as statistically influent in the occurrence of Ø was obtained. This form occurs more often in linguistic environments which are more prototypical of dative constructions. Through principles such as prototypicity, iconicity and economy of linguistic forms it is argued that variation in focus has a functional origin, once the variant Ø is favored by contexts in which the preposition represents predictable and recoverable information. Preference for preposition para is explained by its semantic transparence in expression of dative content and by its neutrality in relation to a, which is more formal, and Ø, which is socially stigmatized and occurs more often in speech of illiterate individuals. European Portuguese diachronic data show that para and Ø forms were already present in this language structure. This fact confirms the hypothesis that origin of synchronic variation observed in rural communities from Goiás is not the result of linguistic contact with African languages in Brazil by means of an earlier process of irregular linguistic transmission. On the contrary, it is argued that synchronic variation reflects the natural shift of Portuguese since its archaic stage. This hypothesis is sustained by the fact that para and Ø forms are present in data of acquisition of Portuguese as a second language by speakers of different first languages.
Estudo dos reflexos do plano de ações articuladas na educação básica: na escola pública da rede estadual em Goiânia
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-29) Gomes, Pedro Barreto; Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto;; Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto; Santos, Wanderley Alves dos; Ribeiro, Cristiane Maria
The study aimed to conduct an analysis of the Articulated Action Plan (PAR), a supplementary and voluntary technical and financial assistance strategy from the National Fund for Education Development (FNDE) and the Ministry of Education (MEC) in Brazil. The goal is to enhance the Brazilian public basic education. To comprehend and assess the second dimension of PAR, focused on the training of teachers and professionals in school support, the dissertation aimed to understand the scope of this national public policy. Three qualitative analysis axes were addressed to evaluate the importance of the program, resources as a pedagogical differential, and the educational performance of the institution. Educational planning and practical utilization from the perspective of projects presented to the State Department of Education of Goiás (SEDUC-GO) were also described. A semi-structured interview with open-ended questions was conducted with administrative technicians from SEDUC-GO to discuss the second dimension of PAR, exploring how it has been managed and implemented. As an educational product, a mini-course titled "Reflections of the Articulated Action Plan in Basic Education: in the public schools of the state network in Goiânia" was conducted, and a dissertation titled "Study of the Reflections of the Articulated Action Plan in Basic Education: in the public schools of the state network in Goiânia" was produced during the Professional Master's in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at the Center for Teaching and Applied Education Research of the Federal University of Goiás (CEPAE/UFG). The work was directed towards the management teams of the State Center for Youth and Adult University Education (CEEJA) and the Dom Abel Full-Time Teaching Center, aiming to provide adequate knowledge about PAR so that managers can better utilize resources. The theoretical-conceptual approach of the research referred to the contributions of Saviani, Fonseca, and Dourado. The methodology was qualitative, at exploratory and descriptive levels, foreseeing the use of techniques such as document analysis and semi-structured interviews with SEDUC-GO technicians.
Industrialização e políticas governamentais: dispersão e concentração da indústria em Anápolis, Goiás
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-23) Cunha, Wânia Chagas Faria; Salgado, Tathiana Rodrigues;; Oliveira, Adriano Rodrigues de;; Salgado; Salgado, Tathiana Rodrigues; Castilho, Denis; Arrais, Tadeu Pereira Alencar; Lima, Leandro Oliveira de; Arriel, Marcos Fernando
This research has os its centrais theme the industrialization process developed in Goiás under the aegis of the State and how this reverberated in the Anapoli industry. Anápolis, thanks to the logistical potential it occupies in the regional and national space of Goiás, has enjoyed significant economic growth throughout its history. When analyzing this process, above all, the industrial evolution of the municipality, it is clear that it presented and still presents close convergence with the industrialization process that occurred in the state and in the country. Anápolis, over time, adapted to the demands and changes that occurred in the state and national economy, given the articulation of spaces in the regional division of labor. This led to changes in the roles played by Anápolis in the Goiás scene over time. What can be observed when analyzing the industrialization process that took place in this city, where two categories of industries were established: dispersed and concentrated. Denominations directly linked to spatial location and whether or not the State supports it. The literature review allowed us to observe two industrialization processes. One that began from the beginning of the emergence of this municipality, based on the transformation of local products and those from neighboring regions, sometimes to meet the needs of the population, sometimes to process the raw material to be exported by railway. This emerged timidly, financed by local capital and gained importance in the regional scenario, making the municipality the most industrialized in Goiás, still in the 1960s. The other began to take shape in 1970, based on the economic condition that Anápolis achieved in the regional scenario but, above all, in correspondence with the national moment, marked by industrial deconcentration and in convergence with the industrialization policy that was beginning to be unleashed by the State. In this process, Anápolis, taking advantage of its logistical and economic potential in the regional scenario, was chosen to host the first industrial district in the state, the Anápolis Agroindustrial District – DAIA – opened in 1976. However, when analyzing the industrialization process of Anápolis, a certain discrepancy was noticed. The dispersed industry did not evolve in diversity and economic importance and the concentrated one assumed the importance of this segment in the city, due to the numerous benefits received, but it is not articulated with the other activities in the municipality and with the profile of the state. To achieve the results, we looked back at economic history, especially regarding the industrialization of the city, state and country from the past to the present day. This context led to the following general objective: to understand how the industrialization of Anápolis occurred, in the context of national and state policies to promote industrialization, as well as its current configuration. To achieve this objective, the following methodological procedures were adopted: bibliographical survey on the evolution of the Anapoli industrialization process; theoretical review regarding Brazilian and Goiás industrialization; collection of secondary socioeconomic data; documentary survey of Anapoli industries, field research and production of thematic maps. The results made it possible to identify and characterize the dispersed and concentrated industries in Anápolis, as well as their importance for the municipality's economy. Finally, it can be seen that the fiscal incentives of industrialization policies applied in the municipality have limited scope in promoting the diversification and strengthening of the Anapolina industry, favoring industries with external capital and located in DAIA, to the detriment of industries with local capital, based in other regions of the municipality, these less capital intensive and with greater capacity to generate employment and consequently income for the population.
O trabalho de campo como aula: potencialidades para a formação do pensamento geográfico na educação básica
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-13) Radtke, Domitila Theil; Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa de;; Morais, Eliana Marta Barbosa de; Dias, Liz Cristiane; Carneiro, Vandervilson Alves; Souza, Vanilton Camilo de; Bueno, Guilherme Taitson
En esta tesis de doctorado, se objetiva comprender cuáles y cómo se dan los conocimientos docentes necesarios al desarrollo de trabajos de campo en la Geografía Escolar por los profesores de la “Rede Municipal de Goiânia/GO”. Por ello, fue necesario: analizar la historicidad y la producción bibliográfica sobre trabajo de campo en Geografía, con énfasis en lo que se ha producido en tesis de doctorado y maestría en los Programas de Posgrado, en el área de la Enseñanza de Geografía sobre el Brasil; investigar el rol del estudiante y del profesor de Geografía en el desarrollo de trabajos de campo, para que esa metodología favorezca el aprendizaje, crecimiento y construcción de nuevos conocimientos por parte del estudiante; presentar bases de conocimiento cognitivo y de aprendizaje escolar que deben ser movilizados en trabajos de campo con la finalidad de favorecer el aprendizaje escolar; señalar el trabajo de campo como potencializador del aprendizaje geográfico en el ámbito de la Educación Básica en la perspectiva del aula de Geografía. De ese modo, en la primera sección, se subraya la importancia de los trabajos de campo para la enseñanza e investigación en Geografía a lo largo de la historicidad de esa ciencia, visando comprender su transformación a largo plazo, y, por tanto, consideramos reflexiones clásicas y contemporáneas como Lacoste (2006), Alentejano y Rocha-leão (2006) y Pires do Rio (2018). También a través del Estado del Conocimiento, se ha creado un panorama de qué y cómo esa temática ha sido trabajada en tesis de doctorado y maestría brasileñas. A partir de esas reflexiones, se busca avanzar teórico metodológicamente y contribuir para un mejor desarrollo de esa metodología para la enseñanza de Geografía. En la segunda sección, se presentan los participantes de la investigación, con el objetivo de comprender cómo la formación inicial contribuyó e influenció en la perspectiva de los trabajos de campo desarrollados por posibles retos en la actuación de esos docentes. Para ello, fueron realizadas encuestas y entrevistas semiestructuradas junto a cinco profesores de la “Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia”. De esa forma, se cuenta con referencias en el ámbito de la formación, actuación y conocimientos docentes con énfasis en los análisis de Shulman (2014) y Libâneo (2009); discusiones en el ámbito geográfico desde la perspectiva de Santos (2005), Moreira (2007) y Gomes (2009); y, también, en el ámbito del trabajo de campo y la enseñanza de la Geografía con Morais y Lima (2018), Compiani y Carneiro (1993), entre otros. En la tercera sección, se analizan los sistemas conceptuales sobre el trabajo de campo erigidos por los profesores participantes. Optamos por trabajar con la construcción de sistemas conceptuales que, desde una perspectiva vygotskiana, permitan analizar los procesos de generalización e internalización del conocimiento docente de los participantes, según Morais (2022). En vista de esto, se discute los trabajos de campo a partir del conocimiento de los contenidos desde la perspectiva de Shulman (2014) y de los conocimientos metodológicos, con énfasis en la planificación y el uso de recursos, lenguajes, estrategias o metodologias. En cuanto a los materiales desarrollados por los docentes, se notó que el mayor destaque en las propuestas de trabajo de campo de los profesores estaban en cómo ellos propiciaban la participación del estudiante. Así, las propuestas son clasificadas en: el estudiante observador, el estudiante ahora es observador y ahora participante; y el estudiante participante. En la última sección, se discute la relación entre el aprendizaje y el desarrollo desde uma perspectiva vygotskiana, en línea con las reflexiones de Cavalcanti (2010, 2011, 2016); Couto (2006, 2009, 2010, 2014) y Ferreira (2017) que trabajan en la perspectiva geográfica del aprendizaje a partir de la formación de conceptos. El intuito fue caracterizar los elementos esenciales que pueden componer el trabajo de campo para que él, de hecho, favorezca la formación del pensamiento geográfico. Por lo tanto, también se analiza el rol de la Didáctica y de los conocimientos docentes, con el objetivo de orientar la actuación docente durante el desarrollo de esa metodología en la Educación Básica. Por último, se explana sobre la concepción del trabajo de campo entendido como clase de Geografía, realizada en ambiente externo al, y se elabora un sistema conceptual a partir de lo que entendemos ser fundamental para el desarrollo de los trabajos de campo en la concepción de la clase, es decir, como momento de enseñanza y aprendizaje que necesita preocuparse con una serie de principios y orientaciones objetivando la construcción del pensamiento geográfico por parte del estudiante, así como toda la clase de Geografía.
A idade da representação: a relação entre a arqueologia e a genealogia em Foucault
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-17) Soares, Matheus Henrique Borges; Ternes, José;; Ternes, José; Silva, Adriano Correia; Sugizaki, Eduardo
This research aims to demonstrate the mode of the historical conception of the French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-1984) from his modus operandi, that is, I do not pay attention only to his analytical assumptions in comparison with other historical conceptions that he criticizes, but part of the archeology carried out by the French philosopher. At first, I work with the rupture between the 16th century epistemes with that of the 17th and 18th centuries, the focus of the research is to analyze what Foucault calls the Age of Representation that links the sign to the role of representing, such linking conditioned the emergence of general grammar, natural history and richness analysis. In a second moment, I approach the Foucaultian genealogy that works in complementarity with archeology, in order to link the emergence of a new regime of penalties that arises in the break with the torture, so this new regime of penalties is responsible for establishing a new code criminal law that articulates the advantage of the crime with the disadvantage of the penalty, thus demonstrating that there is a transversality in what became known as classical representationism in the work of Michel Foucault.