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Item Letramento, Gênero E Ensino: Uma Questão De Várias Relações(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2010-12-21) CÂNDIDO, Waléria Escher de Oliveira; SOUZA, Agostinho Potenciano de; investigación procura verificar si los profesores conocen la teoría de letramento si trabajan con géneros discursivos y, específicamente, analizar cuales son las prácticas pedagógicas en las salas de clase de los profesores investigados. Para proceder a la observación, nos servimos de los enunciados de profesores y alumnos de una institución pública de la enseñanza fundamental del 2º período del ayuntamiento de Aparecida de Goiânia, ciudad de Goiás. Por tratarse de una investigación cualitativa desarrollada mediante entrevistas, cuestionarios y anotaciones de campo, seleccionamos las cuestiones más pertinentes con el propósito de verificar las estrategias de los profesores antes mencionados. Nuestro estudio se basa en el concepto de letramento de Soares (2004, p. 47), quien define que letramento es el estado o condición de quien no solo sabe leer y escribir, sino también cultiva y ejerce las prácticas sociales utilizadas por la escrita . Por eso, tomamos como bases principales las autoras Magda Soares (1993, 2003, 2004, 2010) y Ângela Kleiman (2002, 2004a, 2004b, 2005a, 2005b, 2007a e 2007b), así como el principio baktiniano: La lengua penetra la vida a través de los enunciados concretos que la realizan y, es también a través de los enunciados concretos que la vida penetra la lengua . Cuando discurrimos sobre el letramento, discutimos también los campos teóricos de la lectura, de la alfabetización y de la escrita, tejiendo un hilo conductor con el tema, precisamente por entender que existe una diferencia entre alfabetización y letramento. Partiendo de las cuestiones enunciativas e interaccionistas del lenguaje, entendemos que existe un juego enunciativo en los discursos, en el que un enunciado se vincula a otros enunciados. En conclusión, este estudio se enmarca en el campo teórico del Discurso exactamente porque analizamos enunciados considerando que el Letramento, aquí estudiado, parte de las cuestiones interaccionistas y discursivas de la lengua, no separando los contextos en que se realiza. Nuestro interés particular es contribuir con reflexiones que puedan orientar a una revisión de las prácticas pedagógicas, por eso, estamos de acuerdo con Kleiman (2007a), cuando nos dice que si el letramento del alumno fuese el objetivo de la acción pedagógica, entonces debería existir un movimiento que parte de la práctica social hacia el contenido y no lo contrario. A pesar de saber que otros autores ya se ocuparon de este tema, nos pautamos en las condiciones de producción aquí citadas, porque engendran otros discursos que reinciden en una nueva mirada, un nuevo enfoque y otras direcciones.Item Jogos de verdade sobre Dilma Rousseff na mídia: análise de editoriais do jornal folha de S. Paulo e da revista Carta Capital(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-08-09) HOLANDA, Janete Abreu; PANIAGO, Maria de Lourdes Faria dos Santos; As vicissitudes de uma educação psicanaliticamente orientada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-30) LIMA, Valéria Alves de; BURGARELLI, Cristóvão Giovani; essentially bibliographical study belongs to the Culture and educational processes line of research of the postgraduate program in Education at the Faculty of Education at UFG. It discusses the question of the possibility/impossibility of the educational impasse coined by Freud (1856 1939). Using studies on psychoanalysis and education as a basis, it seeks to establish a relationship between these two fields, in an effort to take into consideration an education which would bear in mind the unconscious, and in that way, would take into account the physic processes, incongruencies and discontinuousness of the educational act. Psychoanalysis can contribute to education by means of the recognition of desire in the subjects who are learning. It could be said that psychoanalysis could transmit to the educator and not to pedagogy as a constituted field an ethics, a way of seeing and understanding educational practice.Item Docência em língua estrangeira: os discursos dos professores e alunos e a prática educativa na sala de aula(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-08) MACÊDO, César Romero; MELO, Orlinda Maria de Fátima Carrijo; work fits in the research line of training and professional and aims to analyze the teaching of foreign languages to understand the teachers and the students speeches and the educational practices in the classroom. This study is based on the qualitative ophtic and it takes place in a reaserch field in which the theoretical basis is presented according to several authors were studied, with emphasis in Mikhail Bakhtin (1997), Maurizzio Gnerre (1985), Paulo Freire (1997), Fiorin (1995), Orlinda Melo (1997), Pennycook (1995), Schutz (2006), Almeida Filho (1987), Leffa (1999) and others who allowed an interlocution with teachers and student speeches giving corps to this work. For the development of the work, besides the theoretical studies, semi-structured interviews were made with 08 (eight) English teachers, 02 (two) Portuguese teachers and 06 (six) students. The interviews were developed from June to October in the year of 2008 from high school such as: Colégio Estadual Olyntho Pereira de Castro and Colégio Estadual Martins Borges both from Rio Verde Goiás. The research was accomplished from 2007 to 2008 and raises important issues related to the acquisition and the development of the foreign language for the teachers as well as how teachers provide this knowledge on the lives of the students. Other relevant facts were noticed like the process of acculturation, the importance of critical awareness of the hegemonic position that the english language carries in relation to other languages, the need to rethink the matrix curriculum for the teaching of foreign languages in order to promote changes to better meet the expectations of the teachers and the students, and also a reflection to advance the teaching-learning process of learning a language, so that the students become the owners of their speeches providing them proficiency in processing the "multiple readings," in and out of the school, as well as in other spaces in the society, using another linguistic system.Item Memórias de leitores: uma história construída na trama dos discursos escolares(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-06-27) OLIVEIRA, Ilse Leone Borges Chaves de; SOUSA, Kátia Menezes de; recherche porte sur la formation du lecteur par la construction de mémoires d un groupe d élèves et de la problématisation de la trame dicoursive qui engendre la trajectoire scolaire qu ils ont parcourue. Ce sont des élèves de la 1ère année de l enseignement moyen d une institution publique, considérée comme référence dans la région où elle se trouve pour être une école d application et aussi centre d enseignement et recherche appliquée à l éducation, d une Université Fédérale. Dans la construction des mémoires, ainsi que dans la trame discoursive comprenant le discours familial, pédagogique, institutionnel et les documents officiels et institutionnels, l énoncé effectivement produit sera considéré dans l étroitesse et singularité de la situation, de façon qu on puisse rechercher les conditions de l existence de cet énoncé. L investigation se centre sur les élèves : la trajectoire scolaire qu ils ont parcourue et, bien sûr, l histoire de vie qu ils ont tracée en tant que lecteurs. Il peut ne pas être nouveau de rechercher la relation école/formation du lecteur à partir de cette perspective, mais il est, certainement, un autre chemin, puisque le discours qui sera plutôt problématisé n est pas ce de l autorité, c est celui de ceux qui s y soumettent. Pourtant, je ne peux pas négliger la trame discoursive dans laquelle s enchêvetre le lecteur en formation. Par le processus de construction de mémoires, on conclut que ce n est pas le passé qu interfère et modifie le présent. C est le présent qui permet la production du passé. Dans d autres termes, les mémoires sont construites à partir des références discoursives qui constituent le sujet au présent. La problématisation des mémoires de ces élèves sujets lecteurs en constitution permet la compréhension que l école, institution officiellement reconnue comme autorisée et responsable pour la promotion de la lecture, joue un rôle efectif dans la formation des lecteurs, à les faire expérimenter les effets produits par l impasse entre l exercice de la lecture faite par obligation et celle faite par plaisir. Dans cette recherche, la construction des procédés méthodologiques autant que la constitution de l archive et sa problématisation se fondent dans la préssupposition de l Analyse du Discours de perspective foucaultienne.Item A repercussão da coletânea da prova de redação do candidato: uma análise do discurso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-07-03) SOUSA, Maria Abadia de; FERNANDES, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca; A cobertura do caso Calabresi na mídia impressa e o conflito entre o infante exposto e o sujeito de direitos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-08-28) SOUZA, Lillian Bento de; SILVA, Magno Luiz Medeiros da; torture case that had as victim a 12 year-old girl is denounced by some neighbors of the aggressor, the entrepreneur of high middle class who lived in a noble quarter of Goiânia (GO), Silvia Calabresi, became subject of analysis in the Brazilian media, in special, the provincial press since March 17th of 2008, when the case was denounced to the Police. This work searches to identify the Discursive Formation that leads the speech of the media about the relation of the violence with childhood from the Analysis of Speech (AD) proposed by Michel Pêcheux, Michel Foucault and, finally, from the analysis of the Archaeological Method, argued by Freda Indursky (2007). The path of the representation of childhood, since the displayed child, represented by indigenous children of the Brazil Colony, passing by the notion of minor and marginalized child, legally consolidated with the Codes of Minor, until the citizenship in development age starred from the Statute of the Child and the Adolescent (Law 8,069/90), appears as the first conducting wire to identify the Discursive Formation that leads the media s speech in this specific police covering case. The notion of violence and the acceptance of the torture misinterpreted during many decades as educational process present on the parentschildren relation also come up at the aggressor s speech, who justifies the torture sessions as she was educating the child-victim. Finally, the notion of citizen of rights seems more consolidated when the torture is faced as something unacceptable in the vein of the contemporary society, considering strange the fact that the violent act had occurred in the heart of the middle class. There is some strangeness in this fact witch comes from the consolidated notion in the common sense that violence is a characteristic of poorer classes. Ally to this trajectory of the notion of childhood, violence and torture is the process of the news production, witch, with its own characteristics, redirects the journalistic text, without however, turn aside itself from the Discursive Formation where it is inserted.